Solana: nft_info account issue in Solana Anchor test code

I can guide you through the process of troubleshooting and resolving issues with nft_info in Solana Anchor test code.

Troubleshooting Steps

  • Check the Solana Anchor CLI: Ensure that your project is using the latest version of the Solana Anchor CLI. You can check by running solana anchorcli --version.

  • Verify Dependencies:

    Solana: Trouble with nft_info Account in Solana Anchor Test Code

    Make sure all required dependencies, including sodium and std, are included in your Cargo.toml file.

  • Check Network Connectivity: Ensure that you’re connected to the Solana network. Run solana get_latest_block or nft_info --network mainnet to verify.

  • Update nft_info Dependency: If you’re using a version of sodium older than 1.2.8, update it to the latest stable version: cargo add sodium@1.2.8. However, due to security concerns, we recommend downgrading to sodium@0.6.8 until further notice.

  • Check Anchor CLI Flags:

    Verify that any flags or options passed to nft_info --network mainnet are correct. The default flag is -f solana.json, but you can pass it as an environment variable: NFT_INFO_NETWORK=mainnet.

  • Print Messages: Check the console output of your program for error messages related to nft_info. This might give you clues on what’s going wrong.

  • Test with a Simple Program: Before diving into complex tests, create a simple program that initializes an nft_info account and verifies it works as expected using Anchor CLI flags: cargo run --example nft_info_example.

Here’s a sample Rust code snippet to help you get started:

use anchor_lang::prelude::*;


pub mod nft_info {

use super::{get_latest_block, get_account};

pub fn initialize(nft_address: &str) -> Result<(), Error> {

let account = get_account(nft_address)?;

// Initialize the nft_info account with your desired values




pub fn nft_info_info(event_data: EventData) {

match event_data.event {

EventRecord::NFTInfo Info => {

println!("Received NFT info info event");

// Use the nft_info account as needed

let latest_block = get_latest_block()?;

println!("Latest block: {}", latest_block);


_ => (),




fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {

// Initialize an nft_info account using Anchor CLI flags

let result = anchor_lang::test::run::()?;

if let Err(error) = result {

eprintln!("Error: {:?}", error);


// Test initializing the nft_info account with a test address




This code provides a simple example to demonstrate how you can initialize an nft_info account and verify it works as expected. You’ll need to adapt this code according to your specific requirements and ensure that the required dependencies are included in your project.

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