Solana: How do I set up a Solana development environment using Visual Studio Code?

Setting up a Solana development environment using Visual Studio Code

Solana is a popular, fast and scalable blockchain platform that has gained a lot of attention in the cryptocurrency space. As the development environment becomes more and more mature, setting up a suitable development environment on your computer can be overwhelming for beginners. In this article, we will walk you through the process of setting up a Solana development environment using Visual Studio Code (VS Code), which is an excellent choice for developers due to its lightweight and customizable nature.


Solana: How Do I Setup a Solana Development Environment using Visual Studio Code?

Before we begin, make sure you have the following prerequisites:

  • A modern operating system (Windows, macOS, or Linux)
  • A recent version of Node.js (LTS or latest version recommended)
  • Solana CLI (Node package manager) installed on your computer
  • Familiarity with Git and basic coding concepts

Step 1: Install required packages

To set up a Solana development environment with VS Code, you need to install the following packages:

  • solana-cli
  • vscode-solana

You can install these packages via npm or yarn:

npm install -g solana-cli @vscode/solana


yarn global add solana-cli @vscode/solana

Step 2: New Solana project creation

Create a new folder for your project and navigate into it. Then create a new directory in the project folder with a name of your choice (e.g. “my_solana_project”).


mkdir my_solana_project

cd my_solana_project


Step 3: Initialize the Solana CLI

Initialize the Solana CLI to download and manage packages:


solana init


This command creates a new directory structure for your project, including the necessary files for the Solana CLI.

Step 4: Install dependencies

Install all required dependencies by running the following command:

npm install --save @solana/web3.js


yarn add @solana/web3.js

Step 5: Configure VS Code settings

Update your VS Code settings to include the Solana CLI. You can do this by creating a new file named .vscode/settings.json and adding the following content:


"extensions": ["typescript"],

"solanaVersion": "1.9.0",

"solanaNodePath": "/usr/bin/node"


This configuration tells VS Code to use Node.js version 1.9.0, the recommended version for Solana development.

Step 6: Create a new Solana directory

Create a new directory called “src” in your project folder:

mkdir src

cd src

Step 7: Create a new Solidity file

Create a new file called “main.sol” in the “src/contracts” directory, which will serve as our main contract:

pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

contract MyContract {

uint256 public count;

function increment() public {



function getCount() public view returns (uint256) {

return count;



This Solidity code defines a simple contract with the “increment” and “getCount” functions.

Step 8: Build and compile the project

Compile and build your Solana project using the following commands:

npm run build:dev

npm run compile


yarn build:dev

yarn build

The build:dev command will generate a .sol file in the same directory.

Step 9: Open your new project in VS Code

Open your new Solana project in VS Code. You should see a new folder structure with several files and folders including:

  • main.sol: Your main Solidity contract code
  • ContractName.json: The JSON metadata for your contract
  • Contract.abi: The ABI (Application Binary Interface) of your contract

Step 10: Write code in VS Code

You can now write code directly in the editor or open an existing file.


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