Among the Sleep: Review

It is no secret that in recent years, players literally moan from the dominance of approximately the same indie there, mainly playing the theme of Slenderman. Interesting, original “horror” with a first -person view , which has recently been released, the cat cried. Amnesia: a Machine for Pigs, Outlast And the addition to it is perhaps all. Project Among the Sleep From Norwegian Krillbite Studio had every chance to replenish this list. The authors came up with a really interesting concept, which allowed them to get several awards at the development stage and collect almost 300 thousand dollars on Kickstarter. However, in the end, developers became hostages of their own “originality”. Through the eyes of the child Concept in Among the Sleep Really unique. The main character, or maybe the heroine of this “horror” is a two -year -old child. At one time it seemed that the authors want to show us how frightening the surrounding world seems to be in the eyes of the child. And at first they really beat this topic. Mom congratulates Chado happy birthday, gives a gift – a plush Teddy bear – and leaves him or her in her room. Baby is chosen from her crib and begins to communicate with the toy – for the child, this, you understand, is quite natural. Then, together with Teddy, they go to look for somewhere a sank, and here the very “children’s” horror begins. A baby with a toy in his hands at night will be examined by a large empty house. And it is clear that everything around him/it scares it: a long black coat hanging in a closet, a shadow from the table, the sound of a working washing machine or a TV turned on. All this looks really atmospheric, unusual and anxious – the authors work perfectly with sound and design. However, then they begin to “turn on mystic”, and Among the Sleep It quickly turns into a rather banal in mechanics and a somewhat ridiculous “horror” content. Non -childish problems The child, along with Teddy, suddenly fall into some supernatural worlds, where they are looking for scraps of memories that will help them find their mother. And here the real cognitive dissonance begins. On the one hand, we do everything that we are used to doing in Amnesia or Penumbra, -We are looking for some keys and artifacts, twist the valves and solve physical puzzles when we need, for example, to move some object or put forward a table box. Когда дитя чувствует приближение какой-то опасности, экран начинает дрожать — выглядит так, словно бедняжка вот-вот впадет в истерику. But all this does, recall, a child. When he or she climbs a chair or on the same drawers of the table to get to the door hand, it looks quite natural. But when the child removes the bolt from the door, twists the valve or opens the lock with the key, then this, sorry, looks comical. Like the situation itself, in which it seems that a healthy child, which does not use any harmful substances by virtue, suddenly begins to travel through some otherworldly worlds .. The situation is aggravated by the uniformity and banality of what is happening. Among the Sleep -This is a fairly short game in which we move chairs all the way to get to the door handle, and we are looking for some important objects for passing. Nothing really complicated and interesting. And very little truly frightening. For the “horror” in the game, a certain scary witch with long thin arms and legs is responsible, which plays the role of Slenderman. She, too, periodically pursues the player and looks at us with a bad look-if you let her very close, a girl (or still a boy?) either perish, or will lose consciousness, and you have to start all over again. The authors really try to escalate the atmosphere, work well with sound and try to somehow gameplay to beat the theme of weakness, defenselessness: the child cannot run away for a long time, almost immediately falls. And as a flashlight, he uses a plush bear – for this you need to carefully hug him in the dark. And the baby can climb under the bed or under a massive closet to hide from the witch. All this, of course, is touching in its own way. However, it is impossible to truly get scared and literally with the skin of the surrounding horror: a child who is looking for some artifacts twists valves and drapes from the local version of Slenderman-this, you must agree, is somehow too much. Here you feel not fear, but the absurdity and far -fetchedness of what is happening. Really strong side Among the Sleep – This is the story itself, or rather, its denouement. Scriptwriters Krillbite Studio They talk about the responsibility of parents to children and how painfully the child is experiencing and realizing some events. The final of history causes strong emotions. But even more you have to regret that the authors could not adequately and interestingly realize their idea. They created an unusual concept, but failed to come up with an adequate gaming process, forcing the child to act according to slightly facilitated rules Penumbra And Amnesia, – And in the end, this “horror” periodically turns into a comedy. Pros: original idea;Interesting plot;cute graphics;High -quality design and sound. Cons: monotonous and banal gameplay;A two -year -old child is forced to solve quite adult problems, which looks ridiculous and far -fetched;The game practically does not scare.

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