February 2025

Metamask: Pinata pinList API loading unpinned images and files

Metamask: Pinata PIN List API Fetching Unpinned Images and Files As a Pinata user, you’re likely familiar with accessing your Pinata Cloud data through their official APIs. However, I’ve encountered an issue where unpinning several images and files from my Pinata account continues to fetch new ones from the Pinata PIN List API despite my efforts. The Problem When pinning or unpining content on Pinata, you typically need to update the Pin List API accordingly to reflect changes in your data. However, it seems that Pinata’s API is not respecting these updates. Specifically: Unpinning multiple items at once may result in fetching new images and files from the PIN List API. If unpinning specific pins or content types (e.g., assets), the API might still attempt to fetch associated items. The Solution To resolve this issue, I’ve explored several options: API Keys: Pinata’s documentation suggests that setting a custom API key can help prevent issues like these. However, using an API key without proper authentication may result in unauthorized access and security concerns. Pin List Updates: Pinata provides APIs to update the PIN List itself (e.g., pinList endpoint). While this might seem like a potential solution, it requires more complex implementation and understanding of Pinata’s internal data structures. The Solution: Using Webhooks After researching alternative approaches, I’ve found that using webhooks can be an effective way to address this issue. Here’s the proposed solution: Step-by-Step Instructions Set up a Pinata webhook : Create a new webhook on your Pinata account by following the instructions in their documentation. Configure the webhook to catch unpinning events: Set up the webhook to detect unpinned items and send notifications or updates when necessary. Use the fetch API to refresh pin list data: When an item is unpinned, use the fetch API to fetch updated pin list data from Pinata’s servers. This should prevent new images and files from being fetched. Example Code // Assume you have a Webhook endpoint (e.g., const webhookUrl = ‘ const apiKey = ‘YOUR_API_KEY’; fetch(${webhookUrl}?action=update&api_key=${apiKey}) .then(response => { if (!response.ok) { throw new Error(‘API response:’, response.status); } return response.json(); }) .then(data => { // Update pin list data using the fetched information const updatedPinList = { …data.pinList }; // assume ‘pinList’ is an array of objects // update your local database or storage with the new pin list data }) .catch(error => console.error(‘Error:’, error)); Conclusion By setting up a webhook to catch unpinning events and using the fetch API to refresh pin list data, you can effectively resolve the issue of fetching unpinned images and files from your Pinata account. This solution requires some technical expertise, but it should provide reliable and efficient access to your Pinata Cloud data. Keep in mind that this is just one possible solution, and there might be other approaches or workarounds depending on your specific use case. liquidity trading

Metamask: Pinata pinList API loading unpinned images and files Read More »

Ethereum: What is the Volume and BaseVolume reported from the bittrex API?

Ethereum Market Volume and Base Volume: Bittrex API Insights When it comes to cryptocurrency markets, trading volume can be a key indicator of market sentiment and liquidity. Two key metrics that provide valuable insights into the Ethereum (ETH) market are BaseVolume and TotalVolume. In this article, we will explore what these two metrics mean in the context of the Bittrex API. Total Volume Bittrex, an online cryptocurrency exchange, provides a public API to retrieve data about its markets, including ETH. The “getmarketsummaries” endpoint returns an object with several key fields related to market summaries. One such field is BaseVolume, which displays the total trading volume across all open orders in the current interval. What does BaseVolume mean? Simply put, BaseVolume measures the total amount of ETH traded across all open orders in a given time period (e.g. minute, hour, day). This metric provides an estimate of the market’s trading activity, with higher values ​​indicating more liquidity and lower values ​​indicating less liquidity. Example from Bittrex API To demonstrate how to access BaseVolume using the Bittrex API, consider the following sample query: {“MarketName”: “BTC-ANS”,”High”: 0.0031,”Low”: 0.0017,…} In this case, the BaseVolume field is not explicitly provided; instead, we can infer its value by analyzing the overall market activity that the data reflects. What does BaseVolume mean in Ethereum? In the Bittrex ETH markets, “BaseVolume” refers to the total trading volume of all open orders over a given time period. This metric provides an overview of market liquidity and trading activity, which can be useful in identifying trends, potential market imbalances, and opportunities. Comparison with TotalVolume While TotalVolume and BaseVolume provide valuable insights into the cryptocurrency markets, there are key differences between them: TotalVolume: Shows the total trading volume across all open orders in a given interval. BaseVolume: Shows the underlying (total) trading volume in the Ethereum market. In other words, BaseVolume is not necessarily equal to TotalVolume. However, they can be related: when BaseVolume increases, it means that more ETH has been sold across all open orders over a given time period. This increased trading activity can lead to an increase in “total volume.” Conclusion The Ethereum markets on Bittrex provide valuable insights into trading activity and liquidity through metrics like BaseVolume. By analyzing these indicators along with other market indicators, traders and investors can better understand trends and opportunities in the Ethereum market. Ethereum Should Whether Mine

Ethereum: What is the Volume and BaseVolume reported from the bittrex API? Read More »